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Vastarel Mr Tablets 35Mg (1 Box = 1 Strip)(1 Strip = 20 Tablets)
Vastarel Mr Specification
Requires Prescription (YES/NO)
Trimetazidine Dihydrochloride
Used For
How it works
Trimetazidine inhibits beta-oxidation of fatty acids by blocking long-chain 3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase, which enhances glucose oxidation. In an ischaemic cell, energy obtained during glucose oxidation requires less oxygen consumption than in the beta-oxidation process.
Vastarel Mr Usage And Safety
Trimetazidine Dihydrochloride
Side Effects
Common (may affect up to 1 in 10 people): Dizziness, headache, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, indigestion, feeling sick, vomiting, rash, itching, hives and feeling of weakness. Rare (may affect up to 1 in 1,000 people): Fast or irregular heartbeats (also called palpitations), extra heartbeats, faster heartbeat, fall in blood pressure on standing-up which causes dizziness, light headiness or fainting, malaise (generally feeling unwell), dizziness, fall, flushing.
Drug Interactions
Please tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking or have recently taken any other medicines, including medicines obtained without a prescription .
This medicine is intended for use in adult patient, in combination with other medicines to treal angina pectoris.
When not to Use
Do not take - If you are allergic to trimetazidine or any of the other ingredienis of this medicine ; if you have a Parkinson disease: disease of the brain affecting movement (trembling, rigid posture, stow movemenis and a shuffling, unbalanced walk) ; if you have severe kidney problems .
Vastarel Mr Precautions
Take special care if you have a problem with increased pressure in your eyes (close-angle glaucoma).
Vastarel Mr Warnings
Warning 1
This medicinal product is not a curative treatment to angina attacks, nor an Initial treatment for unstable angina pectoris. It is not a treatment to myocardial infarction .
Warning 2
This medicine can cause or worsen symptoms such as trembling, rigid posture, slow movements and a shuffling, unbalanced walk, especially in elderly patients, which should be investigated and reported to your doctor who could reassess the treatment.
Warning 3
This medicine contains an active substance which may give a positive reaction in doping tests.
Vastarel Mr Additional Information
Pregnancy category
Always consult your physician before using any medicine.
Storage (YES/NO)
Store this medicine at room temperature, away from direct light and heat.
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