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De-Wart Solution 20Ml
Rs.730.00 Rs.760.00
De-Wart Solution Specification
Requires Prescription (YES/NO)
Verrugon , Milk Acid
Used For
How it works
Salicylic acid is keratolytic, producing desquamation by solubilising the intercellular cement in the stratum corneum resulting in the shedding of skin scales.
De-Wart Solution Usage And Safety
Verrugon , Milk Acid
Side Effects
Allergic dermatitis , rash, dryness, scaling, irritation, itching, swelling, burning sensation, redness, excessive skin growth, discolouration of the skin, blistering, pain and hypersensitivity at the site of application.
Drug Interactions
None known. Ask your physician or pharmacist for drug interaction.
It is used to treat warts.
When not to Use
Do not use if: • you are allergic to the salicylic acid, lactic acid or any of the other ingredients . • You have warts on your face, around your back passage or genitals, moles, birthmarks, warts with hair growing from them or other sensitive areas. • The area of skin is irritated, reddened or infected. Do not use on open wounds. • The child being treated is under 2 years of age .
De-Wart Solution Precautions
It is not recommended for patients who suffer from diabetes, poor blood circulation or nerve damage to the hands and feet.
De-Wart Solution Warnings
Warning 1
Avoid contact with eyes, other sensitive areas and healthy skin. In case of accidental contact with the eyes or other sensitive areas, rinse well with water .
Warning 2
It is not recommended to be used during or immediately after a viral illness. Do not use in children or teenagers during or after chicken pox, influenza or other viral infections.
Warning 3
If you apply to healthy skin, you may experience blistering. Stop use and talk to your doctor or pharmacist.
De-Wart Solution Additional Information
Pregnancy category
Always consult your physician before using any medicine.
Storage (YES/NO)
Store this medicine at room temperature, away from direct light and heat.
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