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Buscopan Plus Tablets 10Mg/500Mg (1 Strip = 10 Tablets)
Rs.125.00 Rs.145.00
Buscopan Plus Specification
Requires Prescription (YES/NO)
Hyoscine Butylbromide , Paracetamol
Used For
How it works
It relieves the pain of stomach cramps by helping your gut to relax. The medicine works very quickly. Painful cramps should ease within 15 minutes. It's unusual to have any side effects, but some people get a dry mouth, constipation and blurred vision.
Buscopan Plus Usage And Safety
Hyoscine Butylbromide , Paracetamol
Side Effects
Allergic reactions such as skin rash and itching . Very rare cases of serious reactions have been reported. Severe allergic reactions ( anaphylaxis ) such as difficulty breathing , feeling faint or dizziy ( shock) . Painful red eye with loss of vision.
Drug Interactions
Amantadine , atenolol , digoxin , phenothiazines , tricyclic antidepressants .
It is indicated for paroxysmal pain in : Disease of the stomach or intestine ; Spastic pain and functional disorders in the biliary , urinary tracts and female genital organs ( e.g. dysmenorrhoea ) .
When not to Use
Hypersensitive to any of the ingredients in the list.
Buscopan Plus Precautions
If abdominal pain persists or worsens or occurs together with symptoms like fever , nausea , vomiting , changes in bowel movements , abdominal tenderness , decreased blood pressure, fainting or blood in stool , medical advice should immediarely be sought.
Buscopan Plus Warnings
Warning 1
It should be used with caution in conditions characterized by increased heart rate such as thyrotoxicosis , cardiac insufficiency or failure and in cardiac surgery where it may further accelerate the heart rate.
Warning 2
Due to the risk of anti-cholinergic complications , caution should also be used in patients susceptible to intestinal or urinary outlet obstructions.
Warning 3
Because of the possibility that anti-cholinergic may reduce sweating , it should be administered with caution to patients with fever .
Buscopan Plus Additional Information
Pregnancy category
Always consult your physician before using any medicine.
Storage (YES/NO)
Store this medicine at room temperature, away from direct light and heat.
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