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Sandimmun Neoral Capsules 25Mg (1 Strip = 5 Capsules)
Rs.470.26 Rs.545.00
Sandimmun Neoral Specification
Requires Prescription (YES/NO)
Used For
How it works
If you have had an organ transplant, bone marrow and stem cell transplantation, the function of cyclosporin is to control your body’s immune system. It prevents rejection of transplanted organs by blocking the development of certain cells which would normally attack the transplanted tissue.If you have an autoimmune disease, in which your body’s immune response attacks your body’s own cells, cyclosporin stops this immune reaction. Such diseases include eye problems which threaten your vision (endogenous uveitis, including Behçet's uveitis), severe cases of certain skin diseases (atopic dermatitis, or eczema and psoriasis), severe rheumatoid arthritis and a kidney disease called nephrotic syndrome.
Sandimmun Neoral Usage And Safety
Side Effects
Very common: may affect more than 1 in 10 people : Kidney problems , High blood pressure , Headache , Shaking of your body which you cannot control , Excessive growth of body and facial hair , High level of lipids in your blood . If any of these affects you severely, tell your doctorCommon: may affect up to 1 in 10 people :Fits (seizures) , Liver problems , High level of sugar in your blood , Tiredness , Loss of appetite , Nausea (feeling sick), vomiting, abdominal discomfort/pain, diarrhoea , Excessive hair growth , Acne, hot flushes , Fever , Low level of white blood cells , Feeling numb or tingling , Pain in your muscles, muscle spasm , Stomach ulcer , Gum tissue overgrowing and covering your teeth , High level of uric acid or patassium in your blood, low levels of magnesium in your blood . If any of these affects you severely, tell your doctor
Drug Interactions
Tacrolimus , other immunosuppressants , barbiturates , carbamazepine , oxcarbazepine , primidone , phenytoin , griseofulvin , trimethoprim , rifampicin , octreotide , orlistat , St.John's Wort, macrolides , azole antifungals , calcium channel blockers , metoclopramide , oral contraceptives , danazol , allopurinol , amiodarone , ursodeoxycholic acid , protease inhibitors , imatinib , nephrotoxic drugs , NSAIDs , vaccines , digoxin , corticosteroids , statins , etoposide , colchicine , K+ sparing diuretics , K+ supplements , ACE inhibitors , angiotensin II antagonists , grapefruit juice , methotrexate , H2 blockers , propafenone , bromocriptine , doxycycline , chloroquine , sulfinpyrazone , terbinafine , bosentan , substrates of CYP3A4 and /or P-glycoprotein , repaglinide.
It contains the active substance ciclosporin. This belongs to a group of medicines known as immunosuppressive agents. These medicines are used to lower the body’s immune reactions.
When not to Use
Do not take this medicine: If you are allergic to ciclosporin or any of the other ingredients of this medicine .
Sandimmun Neoral Precautions
It suppresses your immune system. This increases your risk of developing cancers, particularly of the skin and lymphoid system. You should limit your exposure to sunlight and UV light by:* Wearing appropriate protective clothing.* Often applying a sunscreen with a high protection factor.
Sandimmun Neoral Warnings
Warning 1
Before and during treatment with cyclosporin, tell your doctor straight away if you have any signs of infection, such as fever or a sore throat. It suppresses the immune system and may also affect your body’s ability to fight against infection.
Warning 2
Before and during treatment with cyclosporin , tell your doctor straight away if you develop high blood pressure. Your doctor will check your blood pressure regularly and may give you a medicine to lower blood pressure if necessary.
Warning 3
Before and during treatment with cyclosporin, tell your doctor straight away if you have kidney problems. Your doctor will carry out regular blood tests and may change your dose if necessary.
Sandimmun Neoral Additional Information
Pregnancy category
Always consult your physician before using any medicine.
Storage (YES/NO)
Store this medicine at room temperature, away from direct light and heat.
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